(719) 499-7732
We take our grading seriously.
We pave whatever the need is. Our specialty is driveways, but we have also done basketball courts, parking lots, and whatever else you might need.
Barbed-Wire Fencing
For those things that need to stay in, and those that need to stay out. We know your land is important to you, and you want to keep it safe and secure. We want to help you with your concerns. Barbed-wire fencing is a great way to start with keeping your land protected.
Control Measures
The EPA defines storm water Control Measures as a technique, measure or structural control that is used for a given set of conditions to manage the quantity and improve the quality of storm water runoff in the most cost-effective manner
If the infrastructure Control Measures are not properly operated and maintained, or discharges of sediment and/or other pollutants from the builder’s lot are not properly controlled and overwhelm the infrastructure Control Measures, both Developer and Builder may be in violation of their permits. Therefore, Builder and Developer must both remain diligent in ensuring that conditions of their contract are being met and BMPs operated by both parties continue to be implemented in accordance with their SWMPs.
We can help with that…
Rain Gardens/
Bioretention Ponds
Now Offering: Permanent BMP/SCM Inspections/Maintenance
Bailey Land Solutions is now offering permanent Best Management Practice (BMP)/Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) inspections, maintenance, annual submittals of all inspection and maintenance reporting documents to local municipalities and detailed record keeping of all records to keep you and your water quality feature in compliance with city and state regulations. We also offer consulting as an additional service.
With over 30 years experience in stormwater control measures and 10 years experience in permanent water quality control, Bailey Land Solutions is your one stop shop for all stormwater compliance needs. Contact us today to see how we can meet your needs to ensure your stormwater compliance.
The purpose of rain garden/bioretention ponds are to improve water quality in nearby bodies of water and to ensure that rainwater becomes available for plants as groundwater, rather than being sent through storm water drains straight out to sea.
Therefore, Builder and Developer must both remain diligent in ensuring that conditions of their contract are being met and BMPs operated by both parties continue to be implemented in accordance with their SWMPs.